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General Affiliation Conditions

Article 1: Contract – Scope of application
These general conditions of affiliation (hereinafter referred to as CGA) apply exclusively to present and future commercial relations existing between the applicant and AXMACOM, (“we”, Base-Emails.com or “the Affiliate”). , publisher of the website www.Base-Emails.com, hereinafter referred to as “the Affiliate”, and any natural or legal person, creating an Affiliate account on the site www.base-emails.com, hereinafter referred to as “ the Affiliate”. The Affiliate adheres to these CGA, without restriction or reservation, by the simple act of registering on the site https://www.base-emails.com
If the user of this affiliation service does not accept these GTC, he or she is requested not to use the services offered by the Affiliate. The Affiliate can consult the CGA simply, freely and at any time on the Affiliate's website.

Article 2: Registration for the affiliate program

To become a member of the affiliate program, you must complete the Affiliation request form available on the site https://www.base-emails.com/modules/affiliation/affiliate.php
The Affiliator reserves the right to accept or reject any affiliation request, without having to justify this decision. The Affiliate reserves the right at any time, without compensation and without having to justify its decision, to suspend or delete the links or even the Affiliate's account if it does not respect the image of Base-Emails .com or fails to comply with its business principles.

Article 3: Spam
The Affiliator cannot tolerate or endorse spam. Any Affiliate who is actively engaged in spamming will be removed from the Program. Commission will not be paid if it results from or is related to spamming. Affiliates are not permitted to engage in eDM (direct email marketing) communications advertising the Base-Emails.com brand. Unauthorized eDM communications include, but are not limited to, unsolicited email (spam), advertising spamming or IP address spoofing (spoofing).

Article 4: Keywords
Affiliates are not permitted to purchase domains including variations or similar spellings of Base-Emails.com, nor to use keywords or keyphrases including variations or similar spellings of Base-Emails.com, without limitation, keywords containing “Base-Emails.com”, in any form, from a pay-per-click search engine. Affiliates are also not permitted to use any Base-Emails.com trademarks or any variations or similar spellings of Base-Emails.com in URLs. This includes, in particular, the following search engines: Google, MSN, Yahoo!, Bing and Ask. Affiliates are not permitted to use “branded terms + generic terms” combinations to obtain preferential listings on search engines, directories or other types of online databases including, but not limited to, Google, Yahoo!, MSN, Bing and Ask. If the Affiliate has any doubt about what is or is not permitted by the Conditions, it is his or her responsibility to seek advice from the Base-Emails.com account manager. Affiliate acknowledges the risks of Google's broad/extended matching functionality and that Company strongly recommends that Affiliate include the terms “Base-Emails.com” and “www. Base-Emails.com” in negative keywords in all campaigns in order to avoid the risk of appearing on branded terms of the AXMACOM company. All clicks must first land on the Affiliate's site, and the website user must click from the Affiliate's site to www.base-emails.com. Clicks should never land directly on www.base-emails.com. Overlays and hidden URLs are NOT allowed. Affiliate is not permitted to place banners or links in unsolicited email, unauthorized newsgroup postings, forums, or using “bots.” Illegally generated traffic will not be subject to commissions. Affiliate is not authorized to bid on or use Base-Emails.com trademarks to obtain preferential listings on search engines, directories or any other type of online database. The Affiliate acknowledges that the Company continuously monitors activity on search engines, including Google, Yahoo!, Bing and MSN. The Affiliate undertakes not to generate confusion in the minds of users between the Base-Emails.com site and those of the French administration.

Article 5: Advertising content

Affiliate agrees to cooperate fully with Affiliate in the use and maintenance of links and other promotional tools provided by Affiliate. The Affiliator provides the Affiliate with a subscription monitoring tool materialized by a link. This link allows Internet users to be redirected to the Affiliate's site and subscribe to the offers. This link also makes it possible to electronically monitor the actions of Internet users on the Affiliator's site, in particular subscriptions. In return for subscriptions made on www.base-emails.com, the Affiliate remunerates the Affiliate on the basis of a commission on subscriptions made using these said links. The Affiliate may use as many affiliate links as it wishes on the site(s) which it submits to the Affiliate for approval. In addition, Affiliate agrees: to use the full code for banners, links and other promotional tools (including tracking codes contained therein) and not to modify or delete any part of the code in any way; to use on the Affiliate's website(s), display only graphic or textual images provided by the Affiliate; to update these images using new images provided by the Company; to display these graphic and/or textual images visibly in the relevant sections of the Affiliate's website(s); to display only graphic and/or textual images while respecting the durations possibly notified and ensure that they are no longer displayed after the expiration of any promotional periods linked to these graphic and/or textual images; not to copy or closely reproduce the appearance of the Base-Emails.com website and not to let users think that its website represents the Company and/or the Base-Emails.com activity; and not to misrepresent or embellish the relationship between himself and the Company;

Article 6: Accounting and payment of Commissions
The amount of affiliate commissions is fixed between the Affiliate and the Affiliate. Subscriptions made by the Affiliate do not give rise to commissions. Only firm subscriptions, namely those which have not been reimbursed, will be taken into account for the payment of commissions. Users reimbursed for their subscription fees cannot be counted. Payment of commissions will be made every month, by bank transfer, upon presentation of an invoice issued by the Affiliate in the name of the Affiliate. Invoices will be paid within 30 days of receipt. Tax and social security declarations are the responsibility of the Affiliate in order to comply with the laws in force in their country. Any exchange costs are the responsibility of the Affiliate.

Article 7: Technical means – Fraud

The Affiliate acknowledges the Affiliate's full ability to evaluate subscriptions and calculate commissions using the Base-Emails.com affiliation system. The Affiliator will count the firm subscriptions necessary to determine the commissions. The Affiliate will have real-time access to his statistics (clicks, transformations, payment) from the affiliation section of the site www.base-emails.com. The Affiliate is available to the Affiliate for any questions regarding statistics. Any attempt at fraud will result in the immediate and permanent closure of the Affiliate's account and non-payment of amounts due. An email will confirm this closure.

Article 8: Duration of the contract – Termination
The contract between the Affiliate and the Affiliate is concluded for a period of three (3) months. It will be renewed by tacit renewal. Either party may terminate it after sending an email, at any time and automatically, without compensation.

Article 9: Reservation of ownership
All elements (texts, photos, slogans, technical elements, etc.) made available to the affiliate remain the property of the Affiliate. Likewise, contact details and information concerning customers from the Affiliate are the exclusive property of the Affiliate. The Affiliate has no rights to this data of any type and may under no circumstances claim ownership. Any fraudulent use for commercial purposes may be subject to prosecution.

Article 10: Modification of the site
Any change in the name of the site as well as any change in its hosting location, its size, its purpose, its updating frequency, will have no effect on the affiliation contract which will apply from full right and automatically. The contract covers all accommodation locations, the object, the size of this site, present or future.

Article 11: Protection of personal data
All personal data that the Affiliate entrusts to the Affiliate is done in order to be able to manage the affiliation. The Affiliate has the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning him. To exercise this right, he must write to the address dpo.rgpd@axmapresse.com. By adhering to the CGA, the Affiliate acknowledges having read this personal data protection policy and consents to the Affiliate collecting and using this data.

Article 12: Responsibilities
AXMACOM cannot be held responsible for non-performance of the contract concluded in the event of force majeure. AXMACOM cannot be held responsible for damages other than those caused directly by it. Under no circumstances will AXMACOM be required to compensate the Affiliate for any loss of operation, profit or chance.

Article 13: Settlement of possible disputes

These general conditions of Affiliation are governed and interpreted in accordance with French law. In the event of a dispute over the interpretation or execution of the Affiliation program, the dispute will, in the absence of an amicable agreement, fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Saint-Nazaire Commercial Court. The Affiliate remains available by telephone or email to attempt to resolve any possible dispute with the Affiliate amicably.